Monday, November 1, 2010

Herding Cats - Part 1

My 'Deathwatch'* RPG kicks off in proper this Thursday night - I think we're setting a new record for party size among my group of like-minded nerds.

The roster so far:

Tim - Ultramarines Librarian (Psyker)
Chris - Blood Angels Assault Marine (Melee)
Mick - Inquisitor (Ordos Xenos)
Graham - Space Wolves Assault Marine (Melee)
Jim - Blood Angels Devastator Marine (Heavy Weapons)
Dave - Dark Angels Apothecary (Medic)
Silas - Dark Angels Tactical Marine (Utility)

7 players in total, all running around playing heavily genetically-modified and surgically altered superhuman warriors in power armour. Except Mick.

And don't get me started on the weapons :-)

The good news is that the game has NPCs (enemies or 'bad guys' to the uninitiated!) to match!

More to come...

* Deathwatch is set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe (possibly my all-time favourite!) - a rather bleak, dystopic vision of the far future in which Man now walks the stars alongside a diaspora of alien beings and malevolent gods. A high proportion of these like nothing better than to treat humans like Pez dispensers.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Watch for that Jim guy, tends to be a power-gamer, just likes to roll the dice. ;-)
